Business Overview
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- Business Overview
Applications MaruHachi's Technology Inside
MaruHachi deliver Solutions that combine the advantages of composites High strengthHigh modulous and ultra-lightweight with added functionalities
To realise your requirements , we are constantly working to improve our production technology and new technology development.
Maru Hachi's products are used in various application fields both close to your daily lives and in the future.
for Your Idea
How we work with you for the realization of your idea
- Your Idea & Requirements
- We will review and confirm your ideas and requirements together.
Based on the specific details, we will collaboratively discuss and develop future development plans with you.
* An NDA will be executed as necessary.
- Verification of Feasibility
- To confirm the feasibility of the ideas and requests we have received, we will conduct lab-scale tests with your approval.
We all will then verify the feasibility of the project.
- Optimum Selection and Proposal of Materials and Processes
- Selection is made on the basis of the high strength, high modulous and ultra-lightweight properties of the composite material and the required functions.
In conjunction with this, the processes to realise these properties are selected and prototypes will be produced.
- Proposal of Evaluation and Analysis Methods Best Suited to Your Required Criteria
- Total proposals based on materials, processes and evaluation methods based on our experience and knowledge.
- Development from Prototype to Mass-Production
- Through these processes, Maruhachi builds up from prototype to mass production, and in the mass production process, realises highly efficient and high-quality production of composite products using automation system.
Contribute to the realization of dream and happiness for everyone concerns with our fiber-material products
- Value Proposal Realization Prototype business, Commissioned production business, Manufacturing and sales business
- In order to respond flexibly to your requirements, MaruHachi operates on the basis of three types of business.
- Active Promotion of R&D Joint R&D, Funding R&D, Independent R&D
- Various R&D opportunities are utilised to promote the deployment of Established technologies and the development of New technologies.
- Establish the Presence Exhibitions, Conferences, Research groups and SNS
- MaruHachi actively participates and engages in Exhibitions, Conferences, Research groups and SNS to make MaruHachi better known.
- Global Collaborative Networks Business, Research / Academia, Private
- MaruHachi develop and expand its network on various occasions, both domestically and internationally, to build mutually beneficial relationships.
- Distributor / Sales agent
- Clients
- R&D partner
Global SME
MaruHachi collaborated with the Kanazawa Institute of Technology and ICC (Innovative Composites Research Centre) as a Main domestic R&D partner, MaruHachi Lab has been established in the centre from 2019.
In Europe, MaruHachi actively participates in R&D projects within Europe as a member of Aachen University in Germany / AZL partnership.

MaruHachi also participates in JEC WORLD, a global event in the field of composite materials and their applications that brings together companies from all over the world.
Voice from Member
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Business Hour 9:00 - 17:00(JST)